This study identified an observed and pronounced immediate reduction in post-brain injury event clinical symptoms for both male and female players with selective head-neck cooling
— Dr. Doug King, Department of Emergency, Hutt Valley District Health Board, New Zealand
I’ve been using the Cryohelmet for almost three months now and it’s amazing! Its reduced my usage of heavy medication to treat my migraines, and in under an hour my migraines are heavily diminished or gone.
— Nicole


(click/tap images to learn more)

Migraine Relief

Manage Concussion Symptoms

Promote Healthy Sleep

Performance & Recovery

Therapeutic Cooling for your head and neck

The long lasting cooling provided by the Catalyst products has been found to reduce or eliminate pain from migraines and other headache disorders, manage concussion symptoms, soothe minor head injuries, promote sleep, and cool you down in the heat.  Explore our site to learn more.

Hear Dr. Douglas Farrago discuss the history of the Cryohelmet and how it is helping people improve their quality of life.

See why athletes in all sports are icing their heads with the Catalyst Cryohelmet.